How we are getting through this covid-19 pandemic
First, I want to send each and every one of you the biggest virtual hug during this Covid-19 pandemic. I know social distancing isn't something most of us have ever practiced. Today is day 11 of quarantine for my family and I. We are staying in because Soleil has asthma and Echo is so tiny, and also because it is my civil duty to all Americans and the rest of the world to help flatten the curve by my actions of abiding the doctors, scientists, and leaders.
I will say, each day gets easier and easier. Now that we have gotten through week 1, we are all enjoying our time together immensely. We are in deep connection between the 4 of us and it is something I am becoming incredibly thankful for. Homeschooling is also becoming less daunting and I feel like I am teaching Soleil more than I know and in just a week she has learned so much in our daily school worksheets.
In regards to Homeschooling, and after talking to many women in instagram, we have created a loose schedule during our quarantine:
Wake up, breakfast and news, read our affirmations, do 1-3 school lessons, playtime, lunch, ride bike around the block, then spend the rest of the afternoon reading or coloring, or we have a special outing to the boat or on a picnic or beach. Pretty much as soon as 5pm hits (or any earlier for that matter) I enjoy an alcoholic beverage of any sort. My husband and I make dinner together and Sol can watch a movie or cartoons if she is not helping us. After kiddo bedtime routine, my husband and I get alone time for the rest of the evening.
My Gift To Y'all While You Social Distance
So many of you have been asking for a coloring book ever since I started Mothersun. I've never had the time to do it, but I don't really have that excuse now! I cannot tell you what a joy it has been to make this for you and my family. I also want to recommend finding a passion project to do right now that can ignite your soul and bring you joy. This Coloring Book brought me so much joy, I am going to continue to add more pages to it as the weeks go by. My goal after we heal from this pandemic, is to create a tangible coloring book with all of these illustrations.
I want you to have this as a gift so you can use it for your daily activities with your family. My family and I printed the pages out and spent hours coloring this morning while listening to jazz and drinking coffee. We seriously had THE BEST time. And we didn't even get through all of them, so we get to do it all over again tmrw.
Some pointers from us regarding your new coloring book
We recommend using colored pencils for these. Also, obviously markers work great too! Sol and I used both. John used colored pencils only. Just simply print the files from your home computer printer, they all fit on 8.5x11 printer paper. Also, an idea for the nautical animals: cut them out after you color them and create a whole other project by taping them onto a poster board or white board and draw or paint a background for them. Sol has a white board, and that is going to be one of our next projects!
Enjoy y'all! I will let you know when I add more pages to it!
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PLEASE MAKE MORE OF THESE! My daughter is asking for earth goddesses and I can’t find anything like these anywhere. Hope you are all doing well!
Thank you!! Love your work and appreciate this gift so much!
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