A few years ago, I was working with my business coach and she was blown away with the amount of knowledge I have in my field. She suggested I create a course that could help other women start their own online businesses and give them tools to be empowered and also to push them to pursue their passions.
Because I am always up for a challenge to step out of my comfort zone, I did it. And when I say, "I did it," I mean I poured my heart endlessly into writing and creating content to show other women how this is done. So, if you have an idea or you already have a business that you want to take to the next level, I have created this for you. It's for influencers, personal brands, courses, services, and brick and mortars of any kind.
Most successful entrepreneurs have coaches. And coaches are expensive and worth it. I have provided endless guidance in this course for a fraction of the price that a coach would cost. It's a total no brainer. Here I am going to give you my top 10 tips in business and also show you a little behind the scenes of the Mothersun Entrepreneur Course. I open it two times a year, in March and again in September, so stay tuned if you are making a decision to move forward with your idea and/or business.
What people are saying about the course
"Your articles are great! I actually signed up for a program that was way more expensive and it does not have nearly the value that you bring."

"The in depth info and resources you provide are top notch! I mean wow, all of the additional articles to read and such detailed videos, so good. And, your ability to share so much by stepping me through each component has made it so easy to understand. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am already excited for the possibilities and already adding more SEO rich content and keywords to our website. Can’t wait for the marketing part, that has been where we struggle in the past. Oh, and reading through your Mindset, Manifestation, and Feng Shui Magic Course again also reminded me to focus on those daily affirmations and overall mindset. Helping SO much!"

"I've been in the beauty business for 18 years and Lindsey's business course was the first one one to give me tangible tools to execute all of the ideas that were just filling up my head. In it she shares all of her tools and tips, plus 1:1 support, that got my business out of my head and into the real world."

"The amount of love that you have poured into your program is unreal. I started listening to "Crushing It' and all of the podcasts, I am doing ALL the things you say because ever since I did your Mindset + Manifestation course, I have dramatically improved improved and changed my whole life in so many ways, on so many levels."

"Since starting this course and following your advice in the beginning with daily affirmations and gratitude, and a little feng shui, NO JOKE so many things have come into alignment and are happening in my life on so many levels including this business."

My top 10 tips for anyone who wants to start an online business
1. Your website is one of your most important assets. It is your hub, where you can gain trust with your customers, and where you can create any type of experience you want for them.
2. Search Engine Optimization is super important, I would research this and get to understand it as well as you can.
3. Your website must load quickly.
4. Your customers are number one, and you should always put them first before any other priority or check on the check list. So, answer their emails and get their orders fulfilled.
5. When business is slow, take that time to do things that you never get to do, like take a nap or go to the beach or on a hike, see friends, clean and get reorganized, or work on a work project that you never get to accomplish because other tasks come first. Or when you know what times of the year are slow for your industry, plan a vacation. Get refreshed. This is super important for Entrepreneurs.
6. Be authentic. People can usually spot the fake. Speak honestly and be relatable and approachable. Your connection with your customers is super important.
7. Build your community. Find your target market and love on them so hard.
8. Always provide a top-notch high quality product or service.
9. Find a business mentor, business coach, or course to help guide you along your way. Always keep learning. Industries change, the market changes, marketing changes, the world changes. Keep up to speed, pivot, change, and adapt. Listen to your mentors.
10. Never ever ever ever quit. I watched an interview with Jay-Z recently and he said the reason why he made it was not because he started his own label company. He said it was because he never quit.
Other things you can do right now for your business
* Get an account with Quickbooks Online. Hire a book keeper to teach you how to use it for your business and you can save money doing your books yourself. Or you can create a budget for a bookkeeper to do it. Regardless, it is good for you to know how to use it and understand how it works, wether you are doing it or not.
* Which leads me into the next point I'd like to make, and that is it is really important to know how to do each task involved in your business. This will help you thoroughly understand your business and how it operates and will help when you need to delegate tasks to others. Also, its important to understand your trade so that you can't get taken advantage of.
* Use a zero percent interest credit card to buy inventory and then pay it off as soon as you start selling your products in your online store. Shopify also has a lending department and can almost instantly get you funding after you have a track record of growing sales in your shopify store.
*Find a scheduling app for Instagram so you can plan your marketing feed quickly and efficiently.
*Explore Shopify, sign up for an account, and find a template that you can imagine your website looking like. If you want to make money selling online, Shopify is the best platform with endless apps to add on to your site in order to secure sales. My entrepreneur course will walk you through the entire process so you don't have to figure it out on your own.
Behind the Scenes of the Mothersun Entrepreneur Course
In the first week of the course I ask you to really think about your ideas and to make sure you are offering the right products and/or services to the right demographic. It requires a lot of soul searching and I think it is important to refine your ideas of what it is that you have to offer the world, and also to figure out what the world needs from you at the same time. This process is great for people who have not started their business yet, as well as those who are already in business.
I provide you with my list of audio books and podcasts to listen to so you can constantly be soaking up business and marketing info. The list is GOOD, you don't want to miss out on it. I also provide the following:
Week 1's Table of Contents
- Creating Your Products / Services for The Right Customer
- Aligning With Your Brand
- Mission and Message
- Developing Your Products / Services
- Building Your Online Store
- Shopify Sales Drivers
- Sales Funnels
- Intro to Presets
- Getting Started with Your Store : Strategy to Retain Trust
- This Section is followed by all the video tutorials for Week 1
This week includes 12 videos that walk you through setting up your entire website. The first time I ever had a website for my first business, I hired designers to build my site. It cost me $15k and that site was developed so poorly, that it never made me a penny. I got so screwed. That was long before Shopify and Squarespace and all of the other do-it-yourself website platforms existed. Now, you truly can build your own and it will cost you nothing but time.
It is super important that you build your site with strategy and also in a way that it builds trust with your potential customer within 5 seconds of them entering your site. Don't worry, you don't have to do it alone. I will show you how to do it every step of the way.

seo : search engine optimization. The crucial and confusing world of seo de-mystified
Don't worry, I've got you coverved on this one. It has taken me years to fully understand SEO and how to apply it properly to my site. Now I have organized everything I know right here in the week 2 material. I have an app that will sync it all together for you. I have incredible articles explaining it in simple terms that will help you plug it all in. Your website can look pretty, but if it doesn't have the skeleton built to support it, you won't show up in the search engines.
Here is Week 2's Table of Contents
- Shopify SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Google Analytics
- Accounting with Quickbooks
- Packaging, Shipping and My Vendor List
- Product Shot Hack and More Research and Development
- Intro to Photoshop, Lookbooks, and Intro To Building Your Marketing Plan
Also, I walk you through how to build product shots in Photoshop so that your files are not too big. When your image files are too big and not edited properly for web, your site will run super slow which is a major problem. Your customers will not stay on your website if it takes too long to load.

Social Media is always everyone's favorite part of the course
This is my favorite part too because we really dive into your branding and how it is going to look and be seen. The way you speak and what your marketing message is going to sound like is super crucial too. Here I give you all the steps and tools I use on my i-phone to make this process easy and fun so you can create a beautiful eye catching social media marketing plan. We cover the following:
- How to take a good picture
- A list of presets and all the tools I use to get the job done well and quickly
- How to do all of your scheduling in an hour or two for an entire month of content
- How to speak to your customers/followers and how to sell without selling
- How to find your target market
- How to promote and grow on Instagram

I will share my steps that I take to make thousands of dollars within the first hour of my launches
The fourth week is all about how to launch like me and also all the ways you can continue to drive traffic to the beautiful Shopify website you have built. It's a big week of information just like the other weeks. It boggles my mind how much information I provide here for you. I wish I had had all of this knowledge when I first started. And I know it can seem very daunting and intimidating, BUT, it is a step by step process and in order to run a successful business, all of these things need to be set up properly. And they all need to be working together harmoniously for you to see the best results in your business. Here is what else you will receive:
- A one on one power hour phone session with me.
- When your business is ready and you have implemented the things you learn in the course, I will share you and your business with my network on Instagram
- Step by step schedule and system teaching you how I make thousands of dollars within the first hour of a launch
- How to keep your email marketing campaigns from ending up in the promotions folder in Gmail where they will never be seen
- A crafted and formulated Financial Projections excel spreadsheet that includes a budget for creating your collection launches
- How to build proper blogposts and find your long tail keywords to boost traffic to your site
- How to utilize Canva.com, Unfold, and Over
- How to create an automated email sequence
- How to create an abandoned cart email sequence to secure lost sales
- How to fall in love with money and become financially wise
- How to grow a wholesale business as well as a retail business at the same time
- Step by step videos to guide you through building your own Shopify Store, creating your new instagram marketing campaign, photoshop tricks and photo editing, producing awesome product shots and lookbook shoots on a budget, how to research and develop your products with little to no investment, and making your website SEO searchable
- A legal Module made by attorney Natalie Puglisi where you will learn how to legally set up your business, protect your content, and what legal documents you need for your website
- A play by play list of actions you must do before, during, and after a product/collection launch in order to get the word out to EVERYONE.
- Learn how to grow and operate your email list.
- Learn how to create an email marketing campaign in Mailchimp.
- Receive guidance for superb customer service and how to keep life long customers.
- Resources to Amazing Articles and People to Help You Become the Best You
- Specific sales strategies and sales funnels
- I will provide you with my Instagram Schedule and System, My Influencer Outreach System, and My Wholesale Selling System
- I Will Teach You How I've Grown My Community to over 18k REAL Followers
- Digital Marketing Resources
- Guidance so you can run your business smoothly and successfully
- My list of all of the business podcasts, business blogs, and audio books that have helped me on my own Entrepreneurial journey
- Constant Support! I will assist you in the whole process, so we will have email access in order to communicate and support you
- A feng shui course by The Feng Shui Collective so that you can get your home and office clean, clutter free, organized, and ready to help you bring in the abundance
Learn with me, grow with me, be prosperous with me

No matter what stage you are at in your business, this course will help you perfect the entire part of the process. I have been an entrepreneur for over a decade and it has been so fulfilling helping women pursue their ideas since I launched this course for the first time in August of 2018.
If you would like to join me in this educational program, follow this link and you will be well on your way to becoming a better and more empowered version of yourself in all aspects of your life. It is a soulful extraordinary journey! And you do not have to figure it all out alone!
"Lindsey’s course goes above and beyond. I’ve taken so many internet courses over the past few years while getting my online business going. I’ve yet to take a course with the breadth of knowledge that Lindsey’s offers. She teaches you how to navigate Shopfiy, digging down into the depths of important details like which apps she uses that help her store generate more revenue. Beyond that she goes into depth on SEO, encouraging you to take ownership over details that may seem overwhelming but worth the effort and how she herself handles these things. Her marketing and launch courses are again so detailed with photoshop tutorials, marketing strategies, photo and posting guidelines. Really her course is a generous sharing of knowledge and I absolutely know you will see your investment in Lindsey’s course pay itself back so quickly. Thank you, Lindsey, for being the bright star that you are and sharing your knowledge with the world. Together we rise <3-- "

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