Aloha sisters! Elise Nicole here, and thrilled to be writing this post for the Sisterhood of the Sun Blog
There’s something mystical about this interwoven web of connection and what a blessing that we have sacred space to radiate and shine, sharing our gifts to assist each other as we rise up into our divine purpose.
While I feel as if I have my hands in many magical cauldrons, one of the most empowering and potent is offering Oracle Card reading‘s. As a young girl, my mother was always encouraging me to talk to my guides and angels whenever I felt challenged and I never took those experiences lightly. As children, we often talk to spirit all day long, our parents disguising it as “imaginary friends“, but in reality we are closest to source when we are young and receptive, and so hearing our guides and angels, is second nature. It isn’t until we grow and our ego develops that we stop connecting with spirit the way we once did with so much ease. As adults, piled on top of our disconnect with spirit, we have been fully immersed in a time full of technology, high sensory gadgets, heavy workflows, and high stimulation from all directions. Instead of peacefully knowing it is our nature to sit quietly listening to the birds, feeling the wind brush our cheeks, and meditating on the waves rolling in and out, we have to make time for stillness. We have found ourselves in the middle of a a great remembering of who we are at our core. One with mother nature. Peaceful. Aware.
There are many tools available to us for divination, meaning “becoming one with the divine”, Holy Spirit, God, Goddess, Jah, the Great Mother, Father in the Sky (call it what resonates with you). Some special ways to connect which are most widely recognized are prayer, meditation, mindful movement, reading ancient texts, gathering in circles of sisterhood, music, plant medicine, and one of the oldest tools, tarot and oracle cards. Origins of oracles are known to have existed since the year 1392 (Credit:The Woman with the Alabaster Jar) . It is from these cards, that the traditional deck of cards was born, in an effort by the early church to cover up cards used for connecting to Spirit.
In my early 20s, I began to experiment myself with oracle cards finding it very beautiful how I was always pulling cards that were exactly what my heart needed. I made a vow to myself to always work with cards of high vibration, I don’t believe in scaring yourself silly while doing a card reading, I do believe that spirit is able to connect with us to send us gentle guidance that will help us along our path. After pulling cards for just myself for about a year and feeling very passionate about this new found path of connection to spirit, my girlfriends quickly started asking me if I could read their cards for them. At first, I brushed it off saying that they were welcome to pull from my cards on their own, but what I noticed was, they weren’t feeling what I was at a core level and when I held space and guided the reading by allowing the receiving sister to just breathe and be open to messages, what flowed through was always completely ON POINT, and often times completely TRANSFORMATIONAL. I decided that if I was going to be drawing cards for others, I needed to make sure that my connection to spirit and the wisdom that I was drawing from to hold space for Oracle readings was of complete high vibration and backed by wisdom from gurus who had been doing this a while and had perfected their craft. I began to study books and books and more books on the topics of how to hear messages from our angels and spirit guides, how to properly use oracle cards, how to connect with spirit, meditation, energy medicine, vibrational medicine, and most importantly how to hold space, and I continue to lovingly refer to myself as a bookworm. I felt cracked wide open, like I was floating down a river of awakening in a tube of gold, and at times it felt quite overwhelming to be a newfound lightworker. Every single reading it is very important to me to create sacred space and connect with spirit in a way that does not feel rushed, and is meant for the purposes of only bringing through what is best and right for all involved.
Presently, I’ve been working with oracle cards for almost 10 years, and I have almost a dozen decks from which are all full of high vibrations and love. Not one deck is like the other, each provide a certain energy with the messages they bring forth.
I’m sure you’re wondering, “How does it work?” .. It’s best to experience it yourself, because each persons guides are specific to their energy, but I’ll clue you in to the gist of it. When a distance reading begins, we settle in with a five minute or so meditation, readying the mind-body-heart to receive, and calling in all of your angels and guides, as well as mine so that I can be a clear conduit of messages. I ask that you have something to write with, not only for your own notes of each card, but in case anything random or off-the-wall flows through, as it could mean something to you at a later time. It’s important for you to be able to journal your experience so you can come back to it often and see how it continues to resonate deeper and deeper as time goes on. During my distance readings, I like to invite you to be part of drawing your cards, this way your energy is infused in choosing as well as mine so that we are working together with spirit. Together, we begin to delve into each interpretation behind your cards. What happens next is pure magic, but you’ll have to book reading to find out for yourself ;).
I offer distance readings. Sessions are via telephone and require about an hour of quiet undivided space. You will recieve a high resolution image of you reading via email within 24 hours. I accept venmo and PayPal for ease of payment. You can DM me on instagram to make your appointment: @__elisenicole__
My work with oracle readings feels effortless and true to my souls purpose. Our MYSTICAL MAMA design was created as an ode to all the mamas out there working their light, whether that’s burning sage, practicing yoga or holding sacred space to connect to spirit. I honor you deeply for the work you are doing here and now on this planet to guide the babes of the newest generation, as well as the work you’re doing to rise up sister! I’d be Blissed to connect you to your divine messengers and spirit guides!
Through all the shifts in life, may you be present, aware, and supported.
The wisdom within me, honors the wisdom within you.
Elise Nicole
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